
Dr. Nima

It doesn’t work

What if everything we do to fix relationships doesn't work…because we're solving the wrong problem? Think about it: The books. The workshops. The couples therapy. The communication techniques. They all promise answers. But something's still missing. Despite the...

Listening To Your Shadow

Every broken heart tells two stories. The one we see on the surface– the arguments, the distance, the painful endings. But there’s a deeper story underneath… the one our pain is desperately trying to tell us. And something amazing happens when we listen... First, see...

That Argument Isn’t About That Argument

The most dangerous lie in relationships:That we're fighting about what we're fighting about. Simply put: it’s never about what it’s about. The disagreement, the argument,the snapping and defensiveness…It’s just the tip of the iceberg. What’s really happening is...

Every Love Reveals a Shadow

The same relationship story plays out millions of times every day. Two people meet. The connection feels magical. Then slowly, old patterns start creeping in… Conflict.Disconnection.Disappointment. Time after time, until doubt takes root. Is it them?Is it because we...

But what if there is no ‘one’?

In my last blog post I talked about the myth of fairy tale romances… Here’s another reason they’re so dangerous. From an early age, we're told stories about finding 'the one.' The perfect person who finally makes everything better. Someone who “gets” us in ways no one...

Set up by our storybooks

Think about the idea of a “fairy tale romance.” You may know the story - two people meet and sparks fly.They “complete” each other.Love flows effortlessly and nothing ever goes wrong. Sounds wonderful. But here’s the part we don’t hear: Fairy tale romance only works...

I Hate Valentines: Breaking the Cycle of Heartbreak

I used to hate Valentine's Day. See if this sounds familiar: For years, Valentine’s Day wasn’t just disappointing;it was soul-crushing.It seemed like everyone around me had figured out love,while I was left picking up the pieces of another failed...

How Dads Help Build Secure Attachments in Children

I was talking with Dr. Russ about parenting, and something hit me like a ton of bricks: Our kids don’t just inherit our genes— they inherit our patterns. Let that sink in for a moment. Your child doesn’t just pick up your smile or your laugh. They pick up your...