
Dr. Nima

From Trauma Bond to Secure Attachment

I want to introduce you to Denise. Maybe you can relate to her story.   "I am in a relationship that I am unhappy in, my partner doesn't even like me, let alone love me.   He is always looking for something else, someone else, someone better,   someone who will...

The Anxious Becomes The Avoidant

Jennifer was unable to have a successful, peaceful, secure romantic relationship without allowing her anxieties and insecurities to sabotage it and push her partner away.   She has an anxious attachment style- constantly needing reassurance, constantly struggling with...

How to Deal With an Avoidant

I just spoke to a woman stuck in indecision.She has been 8 years in a situationshipwith an avoidant who pulls away when things get close,then when she’s ready to move on,he comes on strong again. Every month for the last 8 years. The thing she hated the most about her...

Why You Shouldn’t Eliminate Negative Emotions

“Dr. Nima, we walk on eggshells with each other.I am so sensitive to the slightest upset that when he is in a bad mood, I don’t know how to fix it.I constantly feel like a failure in this relationship. Can you help?” I just received this email from a subscriber, and...

How to Understand the Avoidant

When you’re reading about relationshipsand secure attachments, avoidants get thrown under the bus. As I unpacked my last relationship which was definitely a Trauma Bond,I had to take ownership of my avoidance behaviors and find the root cause. I didn’t want to go...

Signs of a Trauma Bonded Relationship

"Come close to me."   "Get away from me."   "I need you."   "I need you to leave me alone."   "I can’t live without you."   "I can’t live like this anymore".   These were soundbites from my last relationship.   I didn’t know the term “Trauma Bond” but after being...

Hidden Forces

It was 2019 when I realized something had to change. I’d nailed success in almost every area of my life—except one: intimate relationships. Every relationship ended up in a mess,and I couldn’t figure out why my last one was such a disaster. Then I discovered the...

The Choice We Don’t Consciously Choose

Sally’s words hit me like a ton of bricks: ‘I wasn’t expecting that. This is going to take me a while to process.’   It’s no surprise—she had just completed her Overview Experience (OE) a few weeks ago, and let me tell you, this isn’t your average Zoom call. OE isn’t...

Why You Can’t Shortcut The Healing Process

If you’ve ever been stuck in the “loop of doom” in a relationship dynamic, you’ll understand this exhausting dance:   After the honeymoon phase is finished,  which lasts between up to 6 months to 18 months… you graduate to the next phase of the relationship,  which is...