Love | Sex | Money

EVENT: REWIRE Love, Sex and Money
DATE: May 17 to May 19, 2024

Friday : 12 pm - 8 pm PST

Saturday : 12 pm - 10 pm PST

Sunday : 12 pm - 8 pm PST

WHERE: Virtual Live Stream
Dr. Nima Rahmany will be covering topics of Trauma, Sex and Money. Teaching fresh new learning material, providing worksheets, performing meditations, intimate sharing, and much more!

Regular Ticket

You Will Learn

Foundational Training
What is a trauma bond? Where does your body hold your trauma(s)?
Money & Money Identity
The Creation of my Money Identity. What are the implications of my Money story and identity?
Sex & Sexual Identity
What are the implications of my sexual identity? How the trauma bond and sexual identity show up in your patterns.
And More!
Three full days of interactive learning with Dr. Nima Rahmany

Also Includes...

Overview Experience Event
Each Rewire ticket comes with a free Overview Experience Ticket ($397 value) expires Oct 31

VIP Ticket


Special Guest: Russell Kennedy
Lunch-in talk with Russell – Neuroscience of Relationship Anxiety
VIP-only Laser Coaching
Q&A lunch with Dr. Nima
The Intimacy Accelerator
Digital program – instant access
Personal Call with Dr. Nima
1-1 integration call with Dr. Nima for all VIP’s
Video Recording
Of our main sessions
Special Bonus
Inner Child Breathwork Bundle and much more!

Limited Seats Available, Act Now!

All Prices are in USD

Rewire is the place for you if…

… you wonder if it’s possible to have deep, intimate, mind-blowing sex while being in an emotionally secure relationship, and why you haven’t yet been able to experience the financial abundance and prosperity you’ve wanted. If you’re like most of us, then the traumas, wounds, injuries (both emotional and physical), and cultural expectations you’ve experienced unconsciously create a cloud of shame and guilt in the most triggering topics of Sex and Money. How do you know you’re under its grip?
This insidious constraint silently creeps into your life and eats away at your ability to create and maintain healthy relationships, a stable career, and even your own health and vitality. That’s why most arguments and relationship breakdowns revolve around sex and money.

I want you to know that it’s not your fault: you’ve been silently - yet powerfully - conditioned to feel unworthy that it can seem impossible to untangle yourself from the limiting identity you’ve been living in that’s holding you back.

But it’s time to break the cycle.

In Rewire, we’re going to spend three full days unpacking the three critical areas that affect every single one of us: Love, Sex, and Money. Each day consists of an experiential, immersive neural exercise that empowers you to finally heal the present, complete the past, and create the future.

Well, see if you can relate to any of the following:

You feel at a conscious (or maybe unconscious) level that you’re undeserving of nourishing, hot, juicy pleasure with a committed partner - or even worse, that you’re bad or immoral, like a slut or whore, for enjoying sex to begin with. This leads to breakdowns with intimacy with our partners.
You wonder why you can’t seem to commit or are taken over by fantasies that prevent you from being able to have great sex in a long-term monogamous relationship with one partner.
Financially, you want to be stable and prosperous, but deep down feel that you’ll be selfish, greedy, and looked down upon by those around you if you have the courage to step up and make more money. This causes us to stay stuck at a certain level, feeling like we can’t get ahead financially– and end up living a life of duty, not of design.

How It Works

Neural Exercises

Complex Trauma creates a state of unworthiness, characterized by shame, which impacts your brain and Nervous System and spills into how you experience life itself. So, to try and address these, we’re going to be starting at the source. The neural exercises that you’ll be participating in with the group target the the most powerful, specific fear (rejection and being judged critically) and address it to help you get to the very root. We will be using the most effective cognitive (Top-Down) and Somatic (Bottom-up) approaches to help integrate the entire Nervous System.  


Healing and Transformation happen in COMMUNITY. Opening up and sharing with the group might seem scary at first, but you’ll feel so relaxed and at ease knowing you’re not alone. Community “co-regulation” is essential, as is your participation in these exercises. Throughout each day, we’ll be separating into breakout rooms so that you can engage with other people who are looking to let go of their own baggage from past betrayals, and face their resistance to receiving the abundance that they really want. Through participation, you’ll not only become more comfortable with your challenges than ever before, but you’ll find camaraderie and accountability as well.


Visualization of a goal won’t manifest if we don’t deal with the resistance that’s in the body first. This is the key to not only realizing the depth of impact that your societal and family conditioning have had on you, but to releasing the stored trauma and opening the possibility to creating a life where you’re emotionally free, sexually fulfilled, and have a career that’s more than just a means to pay your bills and receiving prosperity for it. On each of our three days together, we’ll take time to walk through neural (somatic) exercises in a way that’s straightforward for beginners, refreshing for the experienced, and empowering for anyone who’s ready to become accountable for their traumas, sexual identities, and money stories.


This is the ultimate result of Rewire, and it’s what we all want – to have a life where we don’t live in fear of our trauma, our money stories, or our personal baggage. By the end of this experience, you’ll have the freedom to face the memories and experiences that once triggered you with confidence, because you’ll have done the work you need to break free from them. You’ll feel a space of balance in the money and sex conversation. We do this by uncovering these hidden, limiting beliefs, cultural conditioning, sexual shadows, and stuck survival stress that are stored in your nervous system and beginning the process of deconditioning them into healthy relationships with sex and money so that you can speak freely, ask for what you desire, and be open to receive abundance and fulfillment. It can’t happen any other way.

Neural Exercises

Complex Trauma creates a state of unworthiness, characterized by shame, which impacts your brain and Nervous System and spills into how you experience life itself. So, to try and address these, we’re going to be starting at the source. The neural exercises that you’ll be participating in with the group target the the most powerful, specific fear (rejection and being judged critically) and address it to help you get to the very root. We will be using the most effective cognitive (Top-Down) and Somatic (Bottom-up) approaches to help integrate the entire Nervous System.  


Healing and Transformation happen in COMMUNITY. Opening up and sharing with the group might seem scary at first, but you’ll feel so relaxed and at ease knowing you’re not alone. Community “co-regulation” is essential, as is your participation in these exercises. Throughout each day, we’ll be separating into breakout rooms so that you can engage with other people who are looking to let go of their own baggage from past betrayals, and face their resistance to receiving the abundance that they really want. Through participation, you’ll not only become more comfortable with your challenges than ever before, but you’ll find camaraderie and accountability as well.


Visualization of a goal won’t manifest if we don’t deal with the resistance that’s in the body first. This is the key to not only realizing the depth of impact that your societal and family conditioning have had on you, but to releasing the stored trauma and opening the possibility to creating a life where you’re emotionally free, sexually fulfilled, and have a career that’s more than just a means to pay your bills and receiving prosperity for it. On each of our three days together, we’ll take time to walk through neural (somatic) exercises in a way that’s straightforward for beginners, refreshing for the experienced, and empowering for anyone who’s ready to become accountable for their traumas, sexual identities, and money stories.


This is the ultimate result of Rewire, and it’s what we all want – to have a life where we don’t live in fear of our trauma, our money stories, or our personal baggage. By the end of this experience, you’ll have the freedom to face the memories and experiences that once triggered you with confidence, because you’ll have done the work you need to break free from them. You’ll feel a space of balance in the money and sex conversation. We do this by uncovering these hidden, limiting beliefs, cultural conditioning, sexual shadows, and stuck survival stress that are stored in your nervous system and beginning the process of deconditioning them into healthy relationships with sex and money so that you can speak freely, ask for what you desire, and be open to receive abundance and fulfillment. It can’t happen any other way.


Visualization of a goal won’t manifest if we don’t deal with the resistance that’s in the body first. This is the key to not only realizing the depth of impact that your societal and family conditioning have had on you, but to releasing the stored trauma and opening the possibility to creating a life where you’re emotionally free, sexually fulfilled, and have a career that’s more than just a means to pay your bills and receiving prosperity for it. On each of our three days together, we’ll take time to walk through neural (somatic) exercises in a way that’s straightforward for beginners, refreshing for the experienced, and empowering for anyone who’s ready to become accountable for their traumas, sexual identities, and money stories.


This is the ultimate result of Rewire, and it’s what we all want – to have a life where we don’t live in fear of our trauma, our money stories, or our personal baggage. By the end of this experience, you’ll have the freedom to face the memories and experiences that once triggered you with confidence, because you’ll have done the work you need to break free from them. You’ll feel a space of balance in the money and sex conversation. We do this by uncovering these hidden, limiting beliefs, cultural conditioning, sexual shadows, and stuck survival stress that are stored in your nervous system and beginning the process of deconditioning them into healthy relationships with sex and money so that you can speak freely, ask for what you desire, and be open to receive abundance and fulfillment. It can’t happen any other way.

Program Outline

Day 1: Trauma Bonds
Trauma bonding has recently become a very popular term in society, but it’s so important to understand what they are, how they form, and what really do to your mind, body, and soul. On Day 1, we’ll begin by getting vulnerable and understanding the childhood attachment wounds within our culture and family system that creates our Trauma Responses, leaving us anxious and avoidant with sex and money and frustrated within relationships. Only then can we start incorporating some straightforward practical, neural exercises and embodied daily practices that will help you break free.
Day 2: Sex
In uncovering your sexual identity, we’re going to be unpacking the formative and core experiences that have shaped your relationship with your desires, with shame, and have informed the choice of your sexual partners and the type of sex you’ve been having. It’s more common than you may realize to be held back in your current relationship by a heartbreak or past betrayal, to have a constant, nagging fear that it’s immoral to enjoy sex, to feel riddled with shame over your desires and fantasies, and so much more. In coming to grips with this, you can realize how this has shaped the patterns of behavior that you carry through your life today and gain such a profound understanding about your sex problems that you’ll be left with your jaw on the floor, maybe even in a puddle of tears.
Day 3: Money
What’s YOUR money story? If you haven’t heard that term before, you probably don’t know the answer to that yet. But lucky for you, we’re going to be figuring it out on Day 3. So many people struggle for their entire lives because they’ve been conditioned to believe that money corrupts people, that it’s the root of all evil, that they’ll be ruined by inflation or recession, and that no matter how hard they try, they’ll never be able to get ahead financially because “it’s for others, not me.” Simply put, we feel unworthy of abundance and afraid to achieve it, or are so consumed by it that it consumes us and makes life one giant transaction. Let’s rewrite that story together.

The Value of Rewire is Priceless

What Would Your Life be Like…

If you didn’t have to feel conflicted between a lifetime of conditioning and your true desires?

If you weren’t unconsciously feeling unworthy of the career – and the salary – that you want?

If you could fulfill your sexual desires without any shame or guilt with an emotionally safe partner who’s on board?

If your childhood trauma didn’t darken your world every day and you weren’t still living there?

With Rewire, you really can make that future happen. Best of all, you won’t be alone on your journey. By joining our community, you’ll discover a sense of camaraderie and accountability, and you can have your questions answered in real time as we walk through each new exercise and lesson.

You’ve spent this long living a life of dissatisfaction and uncertainty.

Why wait any longer for the permission to create the life of your own design – NOT BY DUTY?



Dr. Nima Rahmany is an expert on helping people overcome Transitional Anxiety (Relationship Limbo and Interpersonal trauma) and live empowered lives. His revolutionary OVERVIEW METHOD helps people around the world heal from the stress and anxiety caused by living out of alignment with their truth.

You’ve spent this long living a life of dissatisfaction and uncertainty.

Don't wait any longer!
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