The #Cyclebreaker Collective Informed Consent & Confidentiality Agreement

Type of Sessions: Individual Length of Term: 90 days

Cancellation Policy: There is a no refund, no cancellation policy.

The Overview Experience™ & Overview Method™

All professionally trained facilitators of The Overview Method™ and The Overview Experience™ do not diagnose or treat disease, prescribe drugs, provide therapy or solve legal problems. Therefore, we are not here to take the place of your doctor, therapist, or lawyer, we are simply here to offer you a new and more profound way of perceiving your life. We will provide you with a leading-edge transformational methodology that can help you create significant changes in your perceptions and attitude towards, and actions in, life. We are also here to help you learn how to change most any distressful situation you might encounter into a more fulfilling condition or experience. The result will be that you will learn how to experience more moments of Gratitude, Love, Certainty, and Presence in your life. If you were recently or are presently under any form of psychiatric care, psychological therapy, specialized medical supervision, or under the influence of any form of medication, please inform me in advance for special questioning and instructions.

The Overview Experience™ & The Overview Method™ Defined

The Overview Experience™ is an “emotional intelligence” tool that teaches you how to get to the underlying root cause of your STRESS and remove it from your awareness. Physical and emotional problems can be linked to stressful and traumatic events that you perceive have happened to you and/or because of you. It is not WHAT has happened to you but HOW you respond to it that creates your reality. When your response is anything other than love or gratitude, you create an internal conflict with reality – you create a “delusion.”

The Overview Method™ is a series of questions specifically designed to...

  1. Get to the root cause of the negative emotions uncovering your delusions, false-expectations and/or half-truths associated with them.
  2. Dissolve the delusions, false-expectations and/or half-truths making what was once IN the way, now ON the way.

Stress and trauma are what we experience when we have a belief that something should or should not have happened exactly as it did. Love and Gratitude (the ultimate form of stress relief) is what results when you breakthrough your delusions.

What to Expect

As your perception of the stressful and traumatic events in your life begin to shift, so too will the inner and outer conflicts tied to them. You will notice a transformation in your thoughts and feelings towards them resulting in a reduction of or complete elimination of stress altogether. Clients often describe a sense of peace, inspiration and “completion of the story.” They also describe a newfound conscious awareness of the role they played and a desire to be an active leader in their lives rather than a reactive follower. It is important to note that since we are playing in the field of brain and nervous system, the root cause for certain disorders and dis-ease may be exposed through the insights that result from applying The Overview Method™. It is not uncommon for these “disorders” to go into “spontaneous remission” on the spot or shortly thereafter depending on the depth and complexity of the delusion that is dissolved. Although a very desirable and sought after outcome, the only thing we can congruently make a public claim to is that as the result of transforming thoughts and feelings, physical signs and symptoms may resolve.

Then, with the lifestyle modifications and action steps pertaining to relationships, finances, and physical body, your health and fitness will improve, relationships have the potential to be more authentic, whole, and complete, and a clearer picture and direction towards financial well being is achieved.

Potential Drawbacks

      • Challenge and frustration of undergoing sustained introspection, extrospection, retrospection, and circumspection.
      • Temporary psychophysiological reactions due to confronting any distorted perspectives, unrealistic expectations, imbalanced perceptions, or polarized emotions including
      • headaches, nausea, fatigue, spasms, cramps, mental fog etc.
      • Challenge associated with realizing how many distorted perspectives, unrealistic expectations, imbalanced perceptions, or polarized emotions are actually being harbored.
      • Challenge of having and living with new outlooks or more balanced perspectives.
      • Possible change in social friendships or associations due to new outlooks or more balanced perspectives. The potential shift in values and priorities.

The Overview Experience 3.0™ & The Overview Method™ Code of Conduct

If you AGREE without hesitation to the following statements, then you can expect maximum results from The Overview Experience™ & The Overview Method™

  1. I am sick and tired of being sick and tired and STRESSED!
  2. I feel like I have tried everything and am frustrated that I am not getting the results I am looking for.
  3. I believe that addressing signs and symptoms is only a small part of the equation. I want to learn how to heal by completing my story.
  4. I am open to the possibility that the reality I perceive may be only partially true and limited in comparison to what is actually there.
  5. I am open to the possibility that it is my version of reality that is causing my inner and outer conflict.
  6. I am ready to look past my limited beliefs to uncover and embrace what is actually there, no matter how scary or uncomfortable it may be.
  7. I am ready to no longer be a victim of my circumstance or my past.
  8. I am ready to play at 100% effort to get maximal results.
  9. I am ready to get real, get honest, and get RESULTS!
  10. I am ready to change my story and transcend my label by learning a skill I can use to empower my life and the life of others.

Confidentiality Agreement

With zero exceptions, your Overview Method™ Sessions with Dr. Nima Rahmany and/or his trained Overview Method™ facilitators, are strictly and 100% confidential. No information whatsoever will be shared with any third party without your permission.

Voluntary Informed Consent

I, the undersigned, do hereby voluntarily give consent to Dr. Nima Rahmany and/or his trained Overview Method™ facilitators to take me through The Overview Experience 3.0 ™ & The Overview Method™. I also understand that I may change the status of my voluntary informed consent at any time.

I understand fully the information in this document, have discussed any questions and/or concerns that I have with Dr. Nima Rahmany, and I agree to participate in the session/s as scheduled and the program as designed.

I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to pay for the services rendered by Dr. Nima Rahmany, in full, or in split payments, (via PayPal, credit card or e-transfer) prior to the start of the program.

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Document name: The #Cyclebreaker Collective Informed Consent & Confidentiality Agreement
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Timestamp Audit
February 9, 2019 11:07 am PDTThe #Cyclebreaker Collective Informed Consent & Confidentiality Agreement Uploaded by Nima Rahmany - IP 2604:3d09:1d7f:b9b0:fd77:5f0:68ab:52a4
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