
Dr. Nima

Why Anxiety Can’t Be Solved Through Talk Therapy

The holiday season has people feeling a "spike" in Anxiety levels.   When family is around, we have a shared past that spills into the present, causing us to go further into a shell.   Many start with talk therapies, hoping for freedom.   On this video below, you get...

The 2 Blind Spots Of Co-Dependents

Co-dependency patterns are said to be impossible to break by the experts. That's true-- because conventional methods don't work. With a deep commitment, breaking the unconscious bonds we have towards our Trauma is possible. The problem is-- even though we want freedom...

Reality Check

If you’re basing your future on your partner changing and you’re waiting / hoping for them to get some sort of therapy to become more emotionally available to you…. A good check in right now before the holiday season starts….. WHAT IF THEY AREN’T CHANGING AND THIS IS...

How Could I Have Been So Blind?

As the most toxic relationship in my life started coming to a dramatic end, seeing what both of us had become to one another, steeped in shame, guilt, and regret, I couldn’t even stand to look in a mirror. I was depressed, anxious, and confused as to what was...

Healing Through Language

“This pain is killing me.” I can’t tell you how many times I used to hear these words in my days as a Chiropractor. I would cringe inside for my patients, because although I didn’t have the Poly Vagal Neuroscience training I have now, as I’ve deepened my understanding...

Sitting on the Fence?

Sitting on the Fence?

I just saw this quote from Gary V, and I realized that the truth within it has been the single greatest factor in my last year of life that has caused me to have my best year ever, and I wanted to share it with you: "The one thing I know for sure, is the outcome of...

The Power of Your Language

The Power of Your Language

I want to show you how powerful your language is.     “I'm afraid of dogs,” was what a woman said, as she walked into my new Chiropractic clinic in downtown of Vancouver and saw Lucy (my dog, who is with me 24/7.) You see, Lucy is absolutely harmless and cute as hell....