The Overview Experience

register now for a

6-Hour Virtual Experience

Designed to Shake to the Core

Many of the unconscious beliefs you’ve been holding onto since early childhood, and set you free to live the life you always dreamed.


It Starts with Asking Yourself


Do you feel stressed, anxious, or depressed about your life?


Have you found yourself people-pleasing or compromising your values?


Do you keep attracting the same type of person (narcissists/needy people)?


Are you struggling to break the cycle of co-dependent relationships?


Are you ready to finally answer the question: Should I stay, or should I go?

Why This Happens

Often, the barriers that stand in our way are rooted in unresolved traumas & attachment wounds from our past.

They’re hidden deep within us, shaping our behaviors & choices without us even realizing it.

The  Missing Link ...

Throughout my career as a chiropractor, I saw patients cycling in and out of treatments - myself included - and observed a recurring pattern.

No matter what I suggested my patients and I do – follow-through just didn’t happen.

It was as if our lack of motivation to do the things necessary to heal was trying to tell us that something was missing..something very important.

That something is at the root of everything you’re experiencing in your life today -whether you fully realize it yet or not.

We Live with the Sum of Our Experiences

Our past experiences, especially the traumatic ones, leave imprints on us. They create stories and beliefs that we unconsciously carry within our bodies. These limiting beliefs influence our decisions, holding us back from reaching our full potential or even recognizing our own self-worth.

Without Properly Addressing Them, They Cause Anxiety, Stress, or Depression to Kick in ...

Are You Ready to Finally Change That Story?

The Overview Experience™

The Overview Experience™ was created to help you uncover and understand the hidden beliefs you’ve been holding onto since early childhood.

During this 6-hour virtual event, we will delve deep into your unconscious, excavating and examining the stories that have been influencing your life, and set you free to live the life you dreamed on your terms.

You Don't Have to Do This Alone

“There is an emotional component to chronic illness. These emotions are based mostly on our perceptions of traumatic events. The stories of victimhood might have served us for a time, but they cripple our ability to heal in the now.”

Dr. Nima Rahmany

The Overview Experience™ Case Studies

What Previous Attendees Have to Say About The Overview Experience™

Why The Overview Experience™?

 Because everything you have been taught about how to deal with your emotions and the role that they play in your health is incomplete.

 Because unless you address the emotional component that you intuitively KNOW exists and is crucial, all else is futile and destructive patterns return.

 Because no matter how many different things you do to try to “get better” or “fix yourself” you will always get less than desirable results if the trauma, stress, or victim story is not resolved.

Promises for The Overview Experience™

Certainty About Your Purpose

You will leave with certainty about your purpose and have a clearer vision you’re inspired by.

Dissolve Grief

You will dissolve your grief. We will show you how to clear it, and how to ask the right questions.

Evolve As a Human Being

You will leave the experience a much more evolved human being and will be an example for others.

A Better Version of Yourself

You will show up as a better version of yourself for your clients, your partner, and your kids.

Connect With Soul-Guided People

You will leave the experience a much more evolved human being and will be an example for others.

Express and Receive Love

You will expand your capacity to express and receive love. If you are experiencing anxiety or depression – chances are it’s because you’re blocking the love in your life right now.

Connection With Yourself

You will leave with a greater sense of connection and intimacy with yourself, and a capacity to create that with others.

Re-write Your History

We will help you re-write your history in a way that will bring tears to your eyes.

I created The Overview Experience for those who are able to imagine what it would be like to no longer be controlled by your stress and the symptoms that it causes, to no longer be a victim of your circumstances both past
and present.

To be an active and emotionally intelligent participant in the creation of the life you were meant to live, and want to start living, RIGHT NOW.

And also for those of you who are sick and tired of trying to figure it all out on your own. I’m here for you, with you, every step of the way.

Let’s tackle this journey called life together, one stressful event at a time.

I personally use this magnificent tool every single day, just like you will, and I am so grateful that I get to share it with you.

Dr. Nima Rahmany

We can start to believe something is wrong with us, that life is against us, or that there’s something about us we need to FIX or IMPROVE... When nothing could be further from the reality of what's happening. You want to know the difference between the patients who experienced miraculous transformation and healing? And those who stayed stuck in the same patterns again, and again, and again? The ones who healed were the ones who had the courage to face, integrate, and love those parts of themselves that they’d been trying to hide from the world all along. Imagine the day you’re able to sit down with your family and tell them...

The Cycle of Unconsciously Hurting Myself & Others Stopped With Me

That’s the power behind one choice.. one decision.
Will today be the day you finally decide that YOU’RE worth it?

Power to Impact

The power to impact every relationship you experience from this point forward.

Power to Change

The power to change the way you look at yourself, your worth, your inherent value.

Give Yourself The Fuel

The power to finally give yourself the fuel you need to not only chase the dreams of your heart, but to fully receive and appreciate them when they do arrive.

Register Now For

The Overview Experience™

In The Overview Experience™, you won’t just heal the attachment wounds of the past.
You will begin building a foundation of radical self-worth and self-authorship, gain tools for self-mastery, resiliency and greater expansion- and finally break the cycle of intergenerational trauma for yourself and your loved ones.