Blog Articles by Dr. Nima
Navigating Boundaries
Its official. As a general rule, we humans suck at boundaries. We either completely bulldoze over our boundaries to the point of abandoning ourselves dude to the fawn response, Or we are imprisoned by them and become reactive jerks. There’s an in between, and on this...
From Dissociation to Reconnection
There’s a hidden root cause behindmost of our relationship challenges. And it’s not about the “other” person. It’s something more insidious.In fact you can’t even feel it most of the time. Most of us who are stuck in relationship dynamics that feel toxic,living in a...
How Fantasy Affects Your Relationships
What are your fantasies? At first glance, you might be thinking that I’m talking about sexuality and fetishes. I’m not. I’m talking about the root cause of our Trauma Bonds. Picture this:you grow up in a childhood where you experienced the wounding of:...
How a Child Becomes the Narcissist
These days my inbox is inundated with peopletelling me how their ex is a narcissist. And I get it, too. I’m married now in a secure bond that’s polarized, butwhen I was unpacking the sh*t show that was my last relationship I was in,I was surprised to discover that I...
I’m Sorry
I’m sorry. I’ve been so busy helping people shift their insecure attachments,become Trigger-Proof, and upgrade their magnetism, master the rupture/repair cyclethat my team just informed me that I haven’t sent ANY noticesto let you know that the super early bird...
Rewiring Your Patterns Does This
What would you do if your partner who you loveddidn’t want to have s∊x with you? Option #1: Feel hurt, rejected, pine after them, beg, plead Option #2: Do option #1 then decide to leave and move on. Joe decided to do option #1— which was to do option 1 in hopesthat...
Anyone can Become Locked in a Trauma Bond – Even Me
Anyone can become locked in a trauma bond – even me. For 43 years, I kept finding myself in the same relationship over and over again: a relationship defined by insecurity, constant cycles of conflict and making up, and a strong desire to be “completed” by each...
A Man’s Two Greatest Fears In Relationships
If you’re a man, or you’re in a relationship with a man, you’re wise to learn about the two fundamental fears every man contends with in relationships. P.S. Remember, the end of a trauma bond isn't just an ending; it's the beginning of a journey back to your true...
Being Self-Centered vs Not Giving a F###
A participant of my recent 3 hour training on Fawninghad a few questions that arose.She’s in a “should I stay or go” situationand has been consuming my contentand has now begun her pathway to creating a secure relationship. Here are some more questions: What happens...
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