Blog Articles by Dr. Nima
Sɛx and Money Blind Spot: What Will Others Think Of Me
there’s a fear that is likely stopping you from living to your potential. Nope, it’s not the fear of death, either. It’s the fear of being judged critically by others. In my experience working in the world of helping people in their relationship dynamics,...
When He Doesn’t Want To Work On The Relationship
If you’ve ever wanted to change your relationship, and your partner wasn’t on board… pay close attention. Constant arguments, feeling gaslit, having your emotions invalidated. When you give feedback— they jump and become defensive and tell you why you’re wrong....
The Secret Behind Secure Love
(and why it's so important for your children that you do it) Her eyes gazed downward, and her face held the look of sadness. This one moment of conflict created a fork in the road that would determine how the rest of the weekend was going to go for us. “Tell me...
The Real Reason Why Family Holiday Season Sucks
On this transmission I share the one reason why familes crumble during the holiday season, and by doing this one thing you can transform Insecure (anxious) patterns and turn them into secure ones. Hint: They’re part of the same issue. Share in the comments what...
Why You Get So Triggered, Reactive, and Defensive
On this training I share why divorces and breakups happen so commonly. Learning this one skill in conflicts I cover on this video is the foundation of being a secure. When you get this right, your status rises with your maturity level. It’s not what you think. WHEN...
Mostly Women Initiate Divorce
Why do you think that 80% of divorce is initiated by women? If you’ve ever been in a “should I stay or go” situation, check this story out. Frank’s wife Janet said “I’m done. I need you to leave.” After an infidelity was caught 7 years prior, their relationship...
Covert Threats Pushing Secure Love Away
Ever wondered what is causing relationship frustration that pushes you further away from secure attachment? The main root cause of anxious attachment? The main root cause of your avoidant tendencies? I cover it, as well as what needs to be done about it on this...
The Pitfalls Of Using The Health Care System For Emotional Issues
I admit I get a little worked up over this topic.I can’t help it. 20 years as a Chiropractor, and now as a Facilitatorhelping people through Trauma Bonds and attachment wounds,divorce, breakup etc…. The medical system is broken when dealing with emotional issues....
The Inscure Person
“The insecure person is fearful and prone to jealousy, clinging, possessiveness, and attachment in relationships, an approach that always brings frustration. The purpose of these feelings is to bind and tightly possess the other, to achieve security by preventing loss...
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