The "Becoming Trigger-Proof" Virtual Workshop - Go from relationship stress and anxiety to relationship intimacy and love.

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About Dr. Nima Rahmany

Dr. Nima helps people who are stuck in toxic relationships, experiencing career limbo, or dealing with emotional trauma overcome their anxiety and create powerfully aligned relationships by deepening their connection with the most important person of all: themselves.

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Featured Posts by Dr. Nima

The Overview Experience™ Live Events

Repair broken relationships overcome limiting beliefs which cause stress, anxiety, and depression by attending an upcoming Overview Experience™ event.

Dissolve emotional baggage and transcend limiting beliefs in three short days of immersive nervous system regulation exercises, perception transforming activities, and mind-expanding education which you will find nowhere else.

The Overview Method™ Home Study Program

The Overview Method™ was created by International Speaker & Mind-Body Wellness Expert Dr. Nima Rahmany. After 15 years in practice and over 15,000 hours spent working with individuals with stress-related disorders (including himself), Nima made it his mission to utilize his 20+ years of chiropractic and self-development study to create a solution that was not only highly effective and fast, but most important, a do-it-yourself so simple even teenagers could learn to master it. The Overview Method™ is the most powerful yet practical personal development and emotional resilience tool available today.

The Powerfully Aligned 3.0: Intimacy Upgrade Mastermind

Apply to enroll in this life-changing 90-day program. Re-connect to your purpose and repair your relationships with the support of Dr. Nima, his coaching team, and the Powerfully Aligned community.

Given a big enough "why" people can bear almost any "how".

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