Chronic Pain, Fatigue, And Illness— The 3 Blind Spots

Written By Dr. Nima

On December 13, 2023
Digestive issues
Inflammatory Bowel
Auto-immune disorders
Chronic Anxiety and Depression
What an exhausting merry-go-round with doctors to heal from these.
The truth is— an MD can’t do anything to help you with those, besides prescribe medication, and I know you are looking for other answers.
That’s why I am doing this training.
There’s a reason why you’re not healing, and it’s not your fault.
And it’s not your MD’s fault either, because they don’t know
about how to help you with 3 blind spots that almost everyone
with Chronic illness/pain/fatigue overlooks— and I’m speaking from the experience of a 20 year career as a primary care practitioner.
When I discovered this, I decided to leave my practice.
Getting these 3 blind spots is CRITICAL to your healing.
You’d think that EVERYONE would want to learn this and take part,
but sadly that’s not the case, and that’s because of blind spot #1.
I cover the rest on this transmission.
Not learning this keeps you on the chronic pain/illness/fatigue merry go round.
When you get this right, your health, vibrance, and vitality emerges NATURALLY as a bi-product.
The contents of this training might surprise you.

P.S. If the "should I stay or go?" conundrum feels like a relentless merry-go-round, or if you're navigating the aftermath of a breakup and ready to amplify your allure, then mark your calendar.

Saturday, December 16th, could be the day your relationship to love takes a turn for the extraordinary.

Imagine dismantling the cycle of conflict that's been holding you hostage. Picture yourself radiating a newfound magnetism that doesn't just attract, but captivates. This is what awaits you at the Overview Experience where we don't just patch up relationships — we transform them into unions of deep connection and unshakable intimacy.

I'm swinging open the doors for a select few to join us as we unravel the mysteries of lasting love. From noon to 6 PST / 3-9 EST, we'll journey together to the heart of secure attachment, equipping you with the tools to turn every trigger into triumph and every conflict into closer connection.
The first 5 to register get a 1-1 integration and implementation call with me to close the loop and set the tone for 2024 to be your best year yet.

Are you ready to elevate your magnetism and answer the "should I stay or go" once and for all?
Let's solve that riddle together.

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