Why She Wants to Leave You (Even if You’re Rich)

Written By Dr. Nima

On August 22, 2024

Women initiate 70% of divorces.

After speaking to these women, I discovered 3 reasons why.

She’s fed up.
She’s tired.
She’s feeling alone (even if you’ve been married for decades).

I’ve even spoken to women who confessed they were wanting to have an affair.

If you’re a successful man who’s a good provider—
with a woman who’s bitter, resentful, angry,
constantly critical, avoiding intimacy and closed off,
there’s a reason why this is happening.

The reason is often not clear to your woman.

She’ll say she’s not happy.
She’ll say she’s tired of having to be in charge, and wear the pants.
She’ll communicate in a way which makes you feel like you can’t win,
and nothing you do will ever be good enough.

After working with these women to help get them to a point where
they have more clarity about staying or going,
I realized that if men were to only focus on these 3 blind spots (among others),

that they could easily turn their bitter, cold, and resentful woman
into a warm, loving, vulnerable and open woman,
the same woman they met.

(The same woman who was there before the kids showed up.)

When you get those 3 blind spots right,
(which are much more than just making good money,)
you get a woman who will follow you to the ends of the earth.

If you’ve been struggling in a “should I stay or go” situation,
frustrated that counselling and therapy are moving at a snail’s pace,
and your partner has been the “avoidant”, and you the “anxious”,
or your woman has been communicating that she’s done and ready to leave,

this Podcast is for you if you’re truly committed to turning the ship around.

Tell me what you think and feel.

I’m listening.

Your wingman on the Adventure,

P.S. If this episode resonates with you— and you can identify as this man,
hit reply and give me your back story— as well as any questions you may have.

I want to keep the conversation going, and I’m here to help.

If you fit the description and have felt frustrated in Counselling and Therapy moving way too slow,
 and want to hop on a 30 minute Blind Spot reveal,
after you hit “reply” and share your back story, write in:
“Nima can I get some help with my blind spots? Can you send me your private calendar link?”
and I’ll be happy to listen and give you my feedback (if you’re willing to hear some uncomfortable truth).

So far I’ve been having a lot of fun helping people expose their blind spots and they’ve been
blown away with how they thought “the other person” was the problem and they were relieved to know
that something CAN be done.

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