Covert Threats Pushing Secure Love Away

Written By Dr. Nima

On November 29, 2023
Ever wondered what is causing relationship frustration
that pushes you further away from secure attachment?
The main root cause of anxious attachment?
The main root cause of your avoidant tendencies?
I cover it, as well as what needs to be done about it on this transmission.
Type in the comments what resonates most with you,
and if you can identify yourself in any of these examples.
On December 16th I’m taking my CycleBreaker’s community
through a deep transformative practice into a methodology
that processes your most annoying emotional trigger—
one that’s been killing the vibe in your relationships---
and turns it into an Alchemy of compassion and healing…
Dissolving conflict into connection.
If you want to break free from Trauma Bonds, heal codependency and create love that’s secure,
I’m opening it up for 10 guests who are in a “should I stay or go” situation
and want to gain clarity while learning a skill that makes you less insecure every time you practice it,
10 spots remaining— includes integration 1-1 session afterwards for the first 5 that register.
Just know that like any important skill to master,
you CAN learn how to become Trigger Proof.
Your wingman on the adventure.


P.S. If you’re ready to find out what the process of Being Trigger-Proof ACTUALLY looks like,
I open up 10 spaces every month at our Overview Experience virtual Deep-Dive.
I teach my Cyclebreakers Community the practice and somatic process
I came up with that helps you master the art of REPAIR:
Turning Triggers into deeper self love,
and Conflict into deeper intimacy.

When you get this right, your anxious and avoidant tendencies shift to secure,
Trauma Bonds melt into compassion and understanding,
And you raise your status of who you attract and are attracted TO.

If you want begin the inner work and start to become more magnetic,
grab a spot on our next upcoming event.

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