Being Self-Centered vs Not Giving a F###

Written By Dr. Nima

On February 12, 2024

A participant of my recent 3 hour training on Fawning
had a few questions that arose.
She’s in a “should I stay or go” situation
and has been consuming my content
and has now begun her pathway to creating a secure relationship.

Here are some more questions:

What happens when you try to finally set boundaries,
and then get blamed, criticized, and rejected back for it?

How do you know if you’re reading your body correctly,
somatically, and it’s not just an emotion/feeling?

How many people are actually in secure relationships,
or are secure people?

Why does it feel like I had a secure relationship with my dad but when he passed away,
I became more insecure and avoidant.

This woman is also persian so there were some great
cultural insights I wanted to share for anyone feeling frustrated
and anxious in relationships, and how culture and family systems shape relationships.

If you’re ready to end the Trauma Bond merry go round
so you can attract a pattern that is fulfilling, juicy, and magnetic,

Watch this training and let me know what arises for you.

Your wingman on the adventure,

P.S. Ready to untangle your trauma bonds and learn high level attachment skills for secure love?

You’re welcome to join my community of Cyclebreakers like yourself
at a workshop this week called
“Breaking Free From Trauma Bonds and Codependency”
where I’ll be mapping out the exact path on how I got there….

For $30 you’re welcome to join the 3 hour zoom call,
where I’ll be teaching some somatic tools and exercises
to dissolve the confusion of emotions, get more complete with your past,
and chart a new course for the most important aspect of our lives:

Feel into the possibility of participating in a 3 hour deep dive where you’ll likely get activated and you’ll be guided into how to resolve it.

You’ll also learn how to recognize trauma bonds before they begin, and learn the high level skills necessary to learn how to attach securely, and heal family systems for the next generation.

See you on Friday the 16th from 4-7pm PST (7-10 EST)

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