Sex and money shadows: It’s not your fault

Written By Dr. Nima

On January 13, 2023
If you're curious about what constitutes your "Sexual shadows", see if any of these questions resonate with you:
🤦🏽‍♂️Will I ever feel safe to commit to ONE person?
🤦🏽‍♂️How much focus should there be on sex in a relationship? Am I too much? I can't keep up with my partners needs (or -- they can't keep up with MY needs). Are they / Am I addicted?
🤦🏽‍♂️How can I have great sex with my partner if I (or they) fantasize about other people?
🤦🏽‍♂️I've lost interest since having kids. Can I get it back?
🤦🏽‍♂️How do I communicate that I'm not in the mood? I feel trapped having to do it "just to make them happy."
🤦🏽‍♂️I am/my partner is addicted to porn. What can I do?
🤦🏽‍♂️How can I give them sex when I'm still so full of resentment?
🤦🏽‍♂️I can't stop sexting other people. Help!
🤦🏽‍♂️I love my partner but I can't stop f*cking other people. Can I have a healthy sex life with the person I love?
(Please share in the comments section if I am missing or leaving out anything-- these were off the top of my head speaking to our #Cyclebreakers over the past couple months).
😩"I want to make more money, I'm tired of staying at the same level but I feel so "selfish" to want more."
😩"I definitely don't want to be one of those 'Rich Narcississtic Assholes!" (but secretly tired of feeling financially stuck).
😩"Prosperity isn't for "me/us"-- it's for "others. We are NOT that."
😩"How much money does he make? Not much-- forget it-- NEXT"
I mean, this list is as long as the number of people there are in the world. We ALL are carrying unconscious narratives hidden beneath our wounds, and cultural shaming tactics that have been present in human civilization long before Jesus, Moses, Abraham, and Mohammed, walked the earth (pick your fav Spiritual Teacher).
If you've ever wondered or suspected that your unhealed wounds and cultural/family system conditioning was in the way.... If you've ever suspected your conditioning was in the way of you having great sex with a committed partner where it's not a "duty" but it's fun and fulfilling for both of you in an emotionally SAFE environment...
It turns out, you've been right the whole time.
It's just that the problem is, unless you've had unicorn conscious parents-- the only "sex education" you've received at school has been about condoms, birth control pills with the conversation focussing on protecting from infection and pregnancy. That's not bad. It's just not SUFFICIENT for a healthy sex life, and often are conditioned that "pleasure is bad."
Or you learned from watching P*rn, like the rest of us.
(Hows that been working for you, by the way?)
Can you see how problematic all of this can be if you're really keen on creating secure lasting love?
How about your financial education? If you were like most of us, you likely learned from your parents, and as far as I can remember, there weren't any classes in school that focussed on teaching me how to have a healthy and balanced relationship with money itself.
So is it any surprise that the 2 things we have the hardest time with in our relationships-- the 2 things we fight over and lose sleep over and feel the most grief and anguish over-- are SEX and MONEY?
I realized if I was walking on the path to healing from my past and creating secure relationships-- it turns out I couldn't ignore this conversation any longer.
I had been avoiding speaking about them publicly, because I didn't feel congruent talking about something I was in a healthy place with.
In the world of sex, I ticked off all the boxes for "player/womanizer". I felt an incredible amount of pride/shame towards this sexual shadow of mine, deeply wanting a secure relationship, but not trusting in myself to pull it off.
I saw how destructive it can be-- with breaking the heart of my first wife when I left back in 2011 because I was under my shadow's spell-- to 8 failed relationship situations-- with the last time when it's clutches had me stuck and Trauma Bonded in a relationship with a Sex Worker/ High End escort and Madam where our respective sexual shadows were dirty dancing unencumbered and free-- in a Toxic mambo between Predator and Prey with one another.
As I've been unpacking this twisted dance... I've made some realizations.
1) Rewiring these Intergenerational patterns is Hard AF. The Sexual Shadow is an all-pervasive force and without the right tools to direct the energy-- is one of the most destructive forces in nature.
2) The desires I have are NOT BAD OR SELFISH. That's cultural conditioning, and the SECOND I put all my focus on shifting the pattern-- I become a freaking MAGNET to manifesting. And THIS is the reason why we are here in the first place: To manifest our desires.
3) By making a priority of looking INWARD (instead of outward) and making the healing of these old patterns, conditioning, and identity NUMBER 1 PRIORITY I moved EVERYTHING ELSE AROUND FOR, I was able to do what I thought was impossible for me because of my traumas: To have great sex in a SECURE relationship after having a child and running a profitable and prosperous business while changing people's lives every day.
If a womanizing Trauma-Bonded sex-addict could break a pattern that was instilled when he was 2 years old and move through a mountain of shame into emotional, sexual, and the financial freedom to be doing what he loves, where he loves, with whom he loves giving his gifts to the world where they are received with love and appreciation every day....
What could YOU POSSIBLY do with a rewired system?
It's definitely not YOUR FAULT. But who's responsibility is it for you to rewire?
Save the Date: March 10,11,12 All day (North America time-- early start in Oz Saturday Sunday Monday-- so book off)
Limited to 200 registrants-- super early bird deadline to enrol in a week-- investment is a no-brainer with VIP opportunity for extra bonuses like attending lunch time with Dr. John Demartini with Q and A-- and receiving my 25 hour "Intimacy Accelerator" course and laser coaching with me at lunch on Day 2. If you'd like to be guaranteed a spot to learn with this badass community... Share below what you want included in the training on Sex and Money- or what excites you about this event-- and I'll send you a private link to make sure you grab a spot at the reduced rate.


P.S When you're ready, here's what we got:
Are you ready to work together? I'd love to see if we are the right fit. Apply HERE.
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